viafr - Interface to the 'VIAF' ('Virtual International Authority File') API
Provides direct access to linked names for the same entity across the world's major name authority files, including national and regional variations in language, character set, and spelling. For more information go to <https://viaf.org/>.
Last updated 2 months ago
3.90 score 8 stars 8 scripts 304 downloads
unstruwwel - Detect and Parse Historic Dates
Automatically converts language-specific verbal information, e.g., "1st half of the 19th century," to its standardized numerical counterparts, e.g., "1801-01-01/1850-12-31." It follows the recommendations of the 'MIDAS' ('Marburger Informations-, Dokumentations- und Administrations-System'), see <doi:10.11588/artdok.00003770>.
Last updated 2 months ago
3.85 score 7 stars 2 scripts 315 downloads